By: Bikal Dhungel
Especially citizens of developing countries spend a good amount of
time thinking about how to develop a nation. Most of the time,
development is also misunderstood by just physical development like
roads and building. Although good roads and buildings represent
development, it is not all this. Development is a base and it needs
to be physical, social and sustainable as well. And the second
mistake that has been generally accepted is that a normal citizen is
hoping that the politician would come and bring all the change.
Unfortunately, this is mostly not true. Development needs a team-work
from all people and profession. When all of them seek the best and do
the best in their own area with specialization, a nation will move
towards development. So, the main actors of development are teachers,
scientists, business people, politicians and people throughout all
diverse profession and most importantly, responsible citizen.
What it takes to make a successful country is creative people in
all areas. Only through specialization, it is possible to create such
experts. Being a jack of all does not result in specialiation but
being a master does.
The tale of two nations:
- The United Kingdom: The scientists who paved path to further development through their initial research were indeed people like Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Charles Babbage, James Watt and Alexander Graham Bell. They contributed in their own field, at last they discovered which caused other breakthroughs in the coming years and decades. Without the steam engine, industrialization could not be possible. Similarly, in the field of literature, the British pioneers like Shakespeare, Charles Darwin, Jane Austen and several others contributed enormously that the english literature became popular throughout the world. Then there are politicians, lawyers and normal people who contributed their tiny part which made development possible.
- Germany: Germany is another example of highly advanced development. Since early 19th century, the country has been a hub for world's famous inventors and innovators. In the field of technology, Robert Bosch with his invention caused wide range of Bosch products today. Rudolf Diesel with Diesel Engine, Wilhelm Roentgen with X-Ray, Robert Koch with his invention, Max Planck on whom the Max Planck Institute has been named, Werner von Siemens with Siemens company, Adi Dassler of Adidas, Fritz Haber and many other inventors played a strong role to industrialize and their creation today continue to innovate in many sectors. In the field of Politics, Germany had charismatic and visionary politicians who guided the countries towards prosperity, like Otto von Bismarck, Ludwig Erhard, Willy Brandt and many more. In the field of sociology, pioneers like Max Weber, In the field of literature, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Heinrich Boell and others. And many other humanitarian visionaires who made social justice and economic development possible.
So, it is the team work of everybody. So, hopes on politicians
alone for economic and social development alone is not enough. It is
the team work of everybody. Until people do not contribute their part
but hope others to develop, simply, there will be no development.
First, a moral foundation should be there. As Adam Smith wrote
'Theory of Moral Sentiments' first and then 'Wealth of Nations',
without a moral base, development is not possible. The evidence of
this is modern day Europe. Places where societal morals in the age of
Enlightenment were usual, experienced development in a rapid pace.
Other places took some time. The lesson from this article is simple:
development is a bottom-up game where contributions from all the
participants of society is vital. Hoping, politicians will do it and
not contributing one's part will only postpone development.
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