By: Bikal Dhungel
While the civilians including women and children were being shot
and the city of Aleppo being turned to ashes, in the world, business
went as usual. The Do Jones index ran positive and barely any
newspaper made it to the headline. Apart from few hundred people in
German cities and Copenhagen went to streets and light the candles
for people of Aleppo, nothing really happened. Candles are just
gestures but in such situations, gestures are useless. Only immediate
action can save lives. When the Americans and Canadians landed in
Normandy, when the Russians marched into Berlin, when the NATO
started shooting in Yugoslavia, only then the people of Europe were
saved from atrocities. Actions are needed in Syria to stop violence.
However, when the world is divided, no action can be taken. This
division has political ego. This has profit motive. That is why,
Syria was left as it is. The question goes, why is the world divided
? The world is divided because there is force, especially Russia
which is seeking its share of the Pie to get building contracts in
Syria. Wealth. Possession.
How did it all start ? Why possession caused all the evils we have
? This goes back to our existence. The hunting and gathering society
did not possess anything apart from the sharp arrow needed to hunt
down big animals. Whatever they hunted, they ate right away and kept
for few days to consume and then they move away. It made no sense to
keep anything as foods will get rotten and cannot be consumed. As it
was difficult to carry any stuffs, hunting and gathering societies
lived with as little as possible. They also had children once when
one child is able to walk on its own otherwise it would be very
difficult to carry multiple children. This was how the nature made
them. However, things started to change since the creation of
agricultural societies in Nile Valley civiliation, Indus valley
civiliation and probably elsewhere as there is no evidence about
where the agricultural societies originated. As people started to
store grains and seeds to consume in the future, it was a real
creation of societies and class and kings. With the will to
accumulate more to their group and societies, humans begans to attack
other groups of humans in order to capture their wealth. First it was
for the crops, then it was for lands, then resources and other
things. Since that time, rarely any year , people lived in peace. The
1000 years of European history is full of wars. Large fraction of
history books consist of wars and terrors. It is the same now. Apart
from few parts of the world, small or large scale or war is going on
every where. The way how war is fought has changed but still,
countries have rejected the 'Just War' theory of christianity and
continue to disregard any idea of humanity.
There are enough examples of atrocities throughout the world in
all time. Every time they said, this kind of act should never happen
but it continues to happen. Wars have decreased overall due to the
creation of institutions, trade links and the overall liberalisation
of education. However, every single life lost due to war is too many.
I think, one of the way to decrease the number of war in the world
is to connect the world even more through trade links, through
international friendships and through the change in education system
based on the principle of non-violence. In Scandinavian countries and
few northern European countries, even if you have done a minimal
level of crime like stealing chewing gum from the shop, this would
register this crime in the police office which makes him very
difficult to find jobs because employers look for criminal records.
Secondly, children need an overall education that any act of violence
is morally wrong. Unfortunately, some violent people does not know
that being violent is not right and those who know it, know that they
are doing a wrong thing. This education is very important. This will
have an immense impact on crime and violence. How war has been
avoided in Western Europe is exactly this princple, among others.
Along with strong trade links, a common government, liberalized
education system based on humanity and non-violence, they created a
mass which rejects violence, of course with some exceptions. The
implementation of this in wider level will create more peace in the
society, hence the future leaders who are unlikely to go to war
against the other.
As with every other genocide or violence, there will be a film
about Aleppo in some years which will probably win some awards and
will be a source of momentary entertainment for the world. The film
might be called Aleppo 7. Let peace prevail.
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