Saturday, 27 December 2014

Illusion of Money And The Making of The Modern World

By: Bikal Dhungel


An overwhelming majority of people have not understood the idea of money and its origin. Money is only worth what someone is willing to pay you for it. It’s not the coin that matters, rather the value behind it. If it took me 1 hour to produce a packet of bread, I can say that, it cost 1 penny or 10 penny or 100 penny, it doesn’t matter really. What matters is if one hour work should worth 1 penny, 2 hours should worth 2 and so on. Money is a medium of exchange. If I want to exchange the bread with sugar, how do I do it ? I can see how long it will take for the sugar producer to produce a kilo of sugar. If he produces 3 kilo of sugar in one hour, it is logical to exchange 1 packet of bread for 3 kilo of sugar. Here we used time as a determining factor of price. In a real world, it can be the efficiency, producing costs, time and many other factors that determine price. Also there will be a wide range of goods and services which makes the world bit complicated. How much should a gas cylinder worth if I should pay it with kg of sugar? Or maybe the gas seller doesn’t want any sugar. To avoid such complicated barter trading, money was created, whose aim is to make the exchange simpler. Hence, the increase of the supply of money does not make the society richer, it only increases the price of goods and services.

The discovery of money can be traced back to the time since humans started trading, or exchanging things. Before that, the hunters and gatherers didn’t need any money because they didn’t trade. They looked for foods, consumed that right away and moved further so they didn’t need to store value, hence no money was required. After that, when humans lived in a society, involved in agriculture and collected other goods, they also traded, so in some form, the idea of money was born, though barter system existed widely throughout human history. It is believed that the first bronze coin was introduced in China around 220 BC by the emperor Qin Sihnuangdi. Even after that, money only existed in the form of coins. Paper money, which is in wide circulation today, only came into existence in the last 2 century.

Again, money is not the piece of paper (which we call a bill) or a coin rather a trust inside it. I don’t trust Zimbabwean Dollar so even if someone is ready to give me a trillion Zimbabwe dollars, I won’t give anything but I trust the US dollar and am sure that with US dollar bill, I can buy other goods later. So, if someone is ready to pay me half a million dollar, I will give my Villa for it because I can buy other goods, like another Villa in Davos, Switzerland. But the value is same as long as the US central bank called the Federal Reserve does not print irresponsibly. If it does so, the value of US dollar will go down, which is termed as Inflation in economics. A currency that will potentially be inflated will lose value, so people holding this currency rush to exchange it with others. So, people trusting the US dollar today do not have trust on God (as it says ' In God we Trust ' on dollar bill), rather the Chairman of the Federal Reserve is the person whom we actually trust. The term 'Credit' in English which originated from the word ' Credo ' in Latin means ' I believe ' or ' I trust '.


Because money is a very liquid asset, its importance has always been immense. Those who had it the most always had more power. Kings and Emperors raised war for wealth and initially to raise wars, they needed merchants and people who possessed wealth. Those who didn’t have money, also didn’t have any rights. For example, in England in some time of history, only those with more than a certain amount of money were allowed to vote. Those with money were close to the rulers who then used their wealth to monopolize power. The expulsion of Jews from many places in Europe was related to money and banking. Jews were merchants who settled in so called ' Ghettos ' throughout Europe. The Emperors went to Ghettos to borrow money to raise wars (also because lending with interest was forbidden between Christians and also between Jews but not with the other). So, when the war was won by the other side, Jews were subjected to expulsion as they were the financiers of war. On the other hand, Jews also used their wealth to lobby the ruling elites to get a favourable environment for them. They could also play between both sides, by betting who will win the war by placing wealth on their side to gain favour.

On the other hand, those with money could open lending offices. They could lend more than they had because the process of lending is mostly a value written on the Balance Sheet, not necessarily the actual flow of money. So, the lenders could lend more than they actually have and make higher profits through interest. By this way, they had a huge influence on the society and in many cases, they also exploited the borrowers. Why I tell this story is because this was the beginning of the story that means, those with wealth are considered tyrants, cheaters, greedy who just use the society for their greed. They are told to be the ones responsible for wide inequality and poverty in the society. In the aftermath of Industrialization, Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto also called for the redistribution of wealth and in other parts of the world, the wealth from the rich was strapped and given to the poor. This sounds good in words but what the illusion of money is that the industrialization itself, which took our life-standard high, would not have been possible without the concentration of wealth in the hand of few. Economists widely agree that it is only if wealth is concentrated; there will be investment in factors of production which leads to technological advancement and helps the society as a whole to grow. Once it grows to a certain level, then again inequality tends to drop. Once again, in the process of economic development, first there should be wealth concentration so that one can invest in factors of production like Machines, then it creates jobs, makes the owners of factors or production rich, and as they hire other people to work in production lines, their economic situation also increases hence inequality will fall making everybody better off than before the investment in factors of production. This was also the story of what actually happened during Industrialization.


Without those with wealth, there would be no Industrialization. Without pooling wealth, no investment could be made to repair machines, to build new machines, to finance infrastructures etc. So, in the second stage, pooling of money, or in a new word, the establishment of banking institutions played an important role in economic development. The Business Cycle worked this way: 1) The Company built machines and hired workers. 2) The workers got salary, consumed a part of it and saved the remaining in a bank. 3) The company borrowed from the bank to invest in additional machinery and created further jobs. This cycle caused the society to progress.


So, the ones with wealth or money have played an important role to make the modern world. Today in many countries, Banks, Financial Institutions and those with wealth are regarded as people who have caused the wide gap. But the fact is, especially the poor countries are poor not because of financial institutions but due to the lack of it. There is no place to borrow money to the poor, noone gives them a loan fearing default as they have no securities. As a result, the poor are forced to borrow from a person or village chiefs mostly with very high interest, more than it is legally allowed ( as there are no such regulation for private lending ) and end of paying far more than they would require had they borrowed with a bank. The huge amount they should pay back cause them to be pushed to poverty trap. So, policy makers should concentrate on how to lend to those who have no securities. This would have a positive effect on growth and increase employment. In the developed world, there are other problems. Banks were blamed for Economic Crisis, which are also true in some cases. But this has nothing to do with the very reason of banks, which is, to collect funds from some and to lend it to others with charging some fee which is called profit and make the society go. The problem however lied on the management of rules and regulation. The deregulation of financial system motivated them to involve in risky activities as they knew that if they win, they can keep the profit, if not, the society will step in to rescue them. So, the crisis was caused because of the tendency of not playing by the rule. However, after the crisis, financial industry was regulated further and today, it is the sector with most regulations as they are sensitive to the running of our society.

So in general, Banks are crucial part of society, not the problems. So are the private corporations with enormous wealth. Corporations give jobs to millions, train people and help them gain valuable skills. Moreover, they pay taxes to the government which can be used to build infrastructures or to pay for our education. On the other hand, it is also due to corporations and private business that we have gazettes like Ipad, Iphone, laptop computers as well as other machineries like Washing Machines, Water Cooker, Grinder, and Cars etc. It was made after the private corporations invested in research and technology to gain profit and to make money. But while making money, they also made our life easier and at last, we are all better off. More than 80% of research came from private corporations whom we blame to have caused inequality and poverty and may be environmental degradation. We say this by using Facebook through our laptop computers which was also the product of same corporations. So, yes, inventions were driven by the thirst of profit, thirst of money but by doing so, we have got valuable devices that made our life simpler, easier, worthier and enjoyable. So, money is the main driver behind the running of a society. So, don’t say that people who are money minded are bad people. One should be money minded, one should think on profits, only the thing one should not forget is that they also have the responsibility to give back to the society, as Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and others are doing.


This is not only true for big corporations but also for small people like us who might have a shop on the main street. The famous example of the Bakery Shop owner makes the story clearer. The Baker wakes up at 1 o clock in the morning, gets the flour, bakes doughnuts, bread etc so that when you wake up at 6 in the morning, you can buy at his place. He does not wake earlier because he wants to make you happy by serving fresh bread but because he wants to earn money by selling you the bread. But it also helped you because you could have bread in the money. So, both of you are better off. This is exactly what makes the society running. It is greed, it is the profit, it is the money. Hence, concluding everything, the aim of this article was to make it clear that those with wealth and money are not bad people per see. Concentration of wealth has helped to create a materialistic society in the past that has caused growth and raised our life standard and it still plays an important rule today to make the daily life to move on. Only if it is poorly managed, for example deregulating financial industry, letting the financial institutions to take risks, they will be problems. If all the stakeholders of the society play by the rule, the importance of money is immense.


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