By: Bikal Dhungel
Two group of people who oppose opening up their national borders
are right and left wing extremists preaching things like national
sovereignty and fear of loosing national identity. What is a
national identity and if it is important for our daily survival is a
separate topic of discussion but opening up the border in this case
means nothing other than free trade, not essentially free movement of
people but of free trade.
Why free trade is important is, there is strong evidence that
nations with most free trade are also the ones with highest income
and high level of welfare and oppositely, countries with more
protectionist trade policies are the ones with low level of income.
Why free trade is a good thing is, when you have a business, your
market will be large. When you have a large market, you have an
incentive to be an entrepreneur. Being entrepreneur helps you to
increase your income and probably you will also create jobs for
others. When employment level rises, the tax collection of a country
rises and it can invest in education or infrastructures which will
increase the literacy rate and this again creates more educative
people who might then come up with a bright idea to become an
entrepreneur and this again helps the country as a whole. This will
go on and on.
So the question goes why are countries reluctant to open up their
borders for free trade ? This issue is much deeper than we can
imagine. Normally, in developing countries, the few elites who own
the local businesses are the ones who have much political influence.
They know very well that, if you open the border and let foreign
businesses who can produce goods efficiently come to compete with
them, they will be out of business. So, they will do anything to
exercise their power to stop competitors to enter the market. Who
looses here are the consumers. Consumers are paying higher prices for
inefficient goods. Why should they buy goods with higher prices from
somebody who seems to be from their own country instead of buying
cheaply from a foreigner ? With protectionism, few elites of a
country profits whereas the large majority will suffer. These elites
or lets say business owners talk about national sovereignty, or
bring issues like cross border crimes or the disappearance of local
businesses and the average citizen believes them. In most cases,
these businessmen also own media companies which gives them even more
power to control public opinion.
Imagine, for a small country with a population of 30 million which
has a neighbouring country with1 billion people. When a single
product, just a single product from this small country become
successful and it can sell this to a tiny fraction of people , lets
say 1% of the big country's population, which means 10 million in our
calculation, the small country can create job for 1 million people if
one person is is able to cover ten customers. 1 million new jobs
creation is not a joke. It can transform the country overnight. So,
free trade is good for two reasons: 1) it gives more incentive for
potential entrepreneurs, 2) it will be cheap for home customers.
Then there are limitations. Of course you have to let the local
businesses grow, but there should be a limit of time. If you
subsidize inefficient local business for a long time which fails to
achieve economies of scale, it is only the waste of tax payers money.
On the other hand, as most of left wing extremists points, big
multi-nationals with eat up small businesses. This is only partly
true. Multi-nationals also create jobs locally. Evidence shows that
multi-national companies have better working conditions and payments
than local businesses provide because these days they have a huge
pressure from international society and informed consumers will
punish them by not buying their products if they fail to stick on
work ethics. Moreover, this is also the opportunity for technology
transfer. When a multi-national company invests in your country, it
will have a spill-over effect regarding technology. The know-how can
be then used later. A big business also creates another spill-over of
jobs for example if a big tea producer opens a branch in a country,
it needs resources, in this case tea leaves, which will then be
supplied from another firm located there. So, this lead to the
creation of another firm. It is true that, free trade should have
conditions. In terms of negative externalities like in environmental
pollution, an agreement should be done prior to free trade agreement.
Other issues like consumers rights, transparency etc should also be
Currently the European Union is discussing a Free Trade agreement
with the US called TTIP which remains highly controversial because of
its lack of transparency and because of the fear of loosing consumers
rights. Environmental issues are also neglected. This has caused a
huge uproar in many countries within the European Union but also in
the US.
Free Trade in other parts on the other hand has worked very well.
For example NAFTA ( North American Free Trade Agreement ) between the
US, Canada and Mexico. It has created millions of jobs and raised
Mexico to be an upper-middle income country today. The European Union
itself is the largest free trade zone in the world. Before the EU was
created, when goods crossed the national border, it used to be taxed
coupled with other transaction costs and until it comes to the hands
of consumers, the price became higher. After the EU enacted free
movement of goods, capital and humans, trade has increased, goods
have become cheaper and there is no hassle in the border, there are
no borders anymore. Moreover, every country specialized in goods
which it can produce efficiently or in economical language, where it
has comparative advantage and imported goods which other country is
efficient. By this way, both parties were better off. And, as a
result of this, a huge market was created. Germany, the largest
exporter in Europe exports 60% of its goods to other European
countries today.
On the other hand, trade is also Peace. When countries trade with
each other, they are less likely to fight with each other. When
Germany exports high amount of goods to France, a stable,
economically powerful and peaceful France is also in the interest of
Germany. So, in case if France is in financial difficulty, Germany has
incentive to help it. Potential of any conflict in Europe is roughly
null but in developing countries, it is unfortunately high. So, trade
might help them in many aspects. Concluding everything, trade is good
for prosperity, good for peace and good for the well being of the
whole world if everybody plays with the rule.
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