Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Sports and Society II

By: Bikal Dhungel 

The Story of French Football and Ethnic Politics

Since the beginning of Olympic Games in 1904, Sports has been one of the rear occasions when people from different places, countries and continents come together and compete with each other within a set of rules. People of different colours and religions put their faith aside and follow the one universal rule. Sports has united people. Sports has therefore also been a political tool for ideologies. The Nazis used sports to justify their ideologies for example to prove the superiority of a certain race. This was proved to be wrong when for example Jesse Owens, a black athlete representing the United States won 100 meter gold in Berlin Olympics. Sports has united two Koreas when North and South Korea walked under one flag in Sydney Olympics 2000.

Along with country level political issues, sports also mirror societal issues. The French team of France 98 World Cup was represented by the children of Arab and African immigrants along with ethnic french won the world cup shifting a public opinion towards more pro-immigrants. The French society in major cities of Paris, Mersailles, Leon etc suffered from parallel societies where people from different ethnic communities did not go well along. Coloured people with immigrant background felt discriminated in the job market and a research showed that the likelihood to be invited for a job interview was up to six times more likely if the applicant's name is ethnic French. This is unfortunately the same in other European countries with some variances. Hence, the team 'Les Blues' consisting of ethnic French like the goalkeeper Barthez, children of African and Carrebean immigrants like Lilian Thuram and children of Arab Immigrants like Zinedine Zidane were representing the french team. It was a real representation of French society. Immigrants of all groups went to the society carrying French flag regardless of ethnic origin. When Zidane scored, Arabs, Blacks and Whites celebrated. When Barthez stopped the shot, all of them celebrated. Miraculously, France reached the final and was confronting the giant, 4 times world cup winners Brazil, equipped with superstars like Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Rivaldo and Roberto Carlos. The game was tough. Brazil was sure to win its 5th title and France was thirsty to make history in-front of its 60 million supporters watching the game at home. When Zidane scored twice, it was sure that France will stop the game with that score and will lift the world cup. In the second half, Petit scored the third which absolutely slaughtered the spirit of Brazilians and France indeed lifted the cup. The super screens of Paris were displaying 'Zidane for President'. All of a sudden, Whites, Blacks and Arabs were friends, the night was celebrated lifting the French flag and the whole French society changed the next morning. A son of an Arab Immigrant made France a world champion. That day will never be forgotten. President Jacques Chirac thanked the team which gave every effort to lift the cup. This symbolic victory was a lesson to many multi-ethnic countries that together we can achieve everything. A french team consisting of ethnic French could not have won the World Cup. In another 2 years of 'les bleus', the French became European Champions with almost the same squad that won 2 years ago. Suddenly, they were no more football players rather super stars, who were spending most time for Brands like NIKE and PUMA to Adidas.

Unfortunately, the years ahead, French sports was full of conflicts, scandals and so on which directly had impact on the performance of the team. It was resolved to some extent and finally in 2006, the dream team was called back and France again made to the final in 2006 World Cup in Germany. The final game was turbulent, with lots of cards to both side. The game was a draw and it went to extra time. When people around the world were holding their breaths, Zidane headed Materrazi to the ground as he supposedly insulting him and  was sent off the ground. Some people took this as an insult for the nation because Zidane was in a critical condition of the game and he had to do anything to win, however, others found his action reasonable because insulting other players is against the spirit of the game. The game went to Penalty shootout and Italy won the World Cup. Public Opinion in France was divided, as well as in other parts of the world.

Even though the dream team continued playing in club levels, the national football endured other scandals and conflicts. In South Africa 2010, some players of French team, like Nicolas Anelka left the country and later the team agreed to support him instead of the trainer. Hence, the French performance was again bad. The political parties in France used every opportunity to use this for their political goals. Again, luckily scandals were forgotten, team was managed a new and the team made up to the final in 2016 Euro. Lets hope the french team will get rid of scandals and conflicts in the future.

Similar story can be told about other European countries. Germany, with about 40% of football national players having immigrant background reached the semi final in 2010 and still some of the same players lift the World Cup in 2014, with Miroslav Klose with all time leading goal scorer with 16 goals. It again shows, like in the case of France that together, anything could be achieved. We can see the same in Belgian team with star players with their foreign roots as well as the case with 2016 Euro cup winner Portugal. The only goal scorer 'Eder' ( Ederzito Antonio Macedo Lopes ) is a first generation immigrant from Guinea Bissau with Portuguese passport. His scoring, hence making the country European champion has perhaps shifted the public opinion towards immigrants living in Portugal.

This does not limit to football. Going deeper into other sports and other fields, the list will be longer. What we can learn from these success stories are, if chances are given according to the skills one had, the result will be fruitfull and the society as country as a whole profits from it.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Corporate Wellness Policies To Improve Productivity and Well-Being

By: Bikal Dhungel 

In the age of competition, the only way for corporations to survive is by increasing worker productivity through innovation. Workers productivity depends on various factors, most important being the well-being of each individuals. A healthy mind can think creative. However, our society as a whole is struggling to maintain healthy minds as mental health issues are on rise and according to a health research, it is the number one cause of absence at work. The figure is varies by country. For example in Germany, according to the official health statistics, 13 million employees suffer from Burn-out Syndrome, over one fourth of total employees. This is an un-acceptable number which has its root in multiple factors. A study published by Techniker Krankenkasse, a leading health insurance company, every third employee feels that he/she is over-burdened at work, every fourth suffers from stress and hyper-tension to heart attack, the number one reason why people quit working life is due to mental health issues and the total loss for the economy is in average 71 billion Euros annually. This figure is continually increasing. 

This has enormous burden for the society, for the family members of affected population and on the welfare state. In the UK, the labour force survey shows that the issue is equally worse like in Germany. Every year, about 250,000 new cases of mental health problems are registered into NHS directory. Stress was the number one cause of absence among the employees, numbering about 50% of all health problems. In other countries, there is only minor statistical deviation. Hence, it is an important problem whose disease burden is huge. 

The WHO published a landmark study in 2001 highlighting mental health issues with recommendations and action plan. Big companies that could afford such action plans and policies did not wait to enact it because, early you intervene, bigger the savings. Today, this trend is a fashion. With a primary aim to improve wellbeing of employees and to present the company as an attractive work-place for new employees, wellness centers and policies are normal. Even though health recommendations are similar everywhere, like eating healthy, drinking lots of water, physical activities etc, the real challenge lie on implementation and keeping it going. To summarise the package, companies focus on loosing weight, quitting smoking, managing stress, keeping blood pressure, cholesterol level, heart rate and puls at optimal level, encouraging to increase physical activities, mindfulness etc. For that, companies offer free Gym membership or many have gym at workplace as well as place to do yoga, offer healthy foods especially fruits vegetables in the canteen, provide wellness and health coaches etc. 

Classes, seminars etc are offered for those who are new and to update employees and some companies have fitness/wellness challenges, which is a kind of competition that employees can participate in which  is an incentive to keep people going. Moreover, as more and more people use computers at work, ergonomics is gaining importance. For example, ergonomists check the height on the table where computer should lie according to the height of the employees, the level of the chairs is adjusted accordingly, people get coaching from experts about the way we seat and work in order to mitigate the risk of neck and back pain. In addition to it, there are annual health check ups to monitor the risk of any diseases before it even appears. The usual culture is that we go to the doctor when we already have a health issue. However, prevention is important. Health monitoring can detect any possible health issues which will benefit both the employers and employees. Obviously, it cannot forecast the prevalence of any disease but it is still good as prevention is better and cheaper than cure.  

The question is only if such policies are helpful or cost-efficient and what research says. Various surveys conducted in various companies have found out that people who would not have joined the Gym otherwise do so because the option is there at work or that the company provides free membership. The wellness policies of the company has at least taught people what that is even though they do not do it actively and for those who are already in it, they have opportunity to continue it further. It also saves enormous amount of time when people can do it at work or after work instead of having to manage extra time outside work. Gym, wellness and other facilities have improved the atmosphere at work which directly and positively affects the productivity of workers which is good for the company and the society. 

Hence, corporate wellness policy has proven itself to an effective tool in terms of many things. It is obviously a challenge for small firms with limited capital and for small businesses but may be a government action would solve it easily. In the Netherlands, government distributed free gym membership for long term unemployed people who then felt fit and many even returned to work which was a good news for all parties. Other countries and places have similar policies and this is definitely going to gain more importance in the future. 

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Consequences of Mental Health Problems

By: Bikal Dhungel 

Mental Health is the most serious problem today in both developing and developed countries. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), one fourth of the world population suffer from any form of mental health problem some time in life. Currently, about 500 million people are living with it but the actual number of supposed to be much higher as there is no data from low and middle income countries. The WHO also mentions that two thirds of these people do not seek any help. The recent reports published by the WHO and other UN bodies are more than scary. The prevalence is higher than ever and over 40% of countries do not have any Mental Health policies. Policies are very important in this case because otherwise, there will be no direct plans to fight the disease. Hence, the medicine for any form of mental health problems cannot be provided efficiently with the lack of regulations. This puts the patients in a vulnerable condition that they use medicine without the supervision of health professionals causing dire consequences on their health. Mental health is also not fully accepted in a society as a disease that can be treated. Still, the general understanding about Mental Health is that it comes from personal failure in life and the inability of individuals to get life and relationships sorted. This is not that simple as many would like to hear but has both biological as well as environmental/behavioural aspects. Whatever the reason, most issues are treatable. People suffering with Depression, Bi-Polar disorder or Schizophrenia are lead a normal healthy life after a certain timeframe after taking medicines with little external support.

Unfortunately, due to various issues like stigmatization, lack of support from family and friends, due to lack of health infra-structure, this goes untreated causing a far wide consequence than previously known. When we take an example of a person named X, who is a father of 3 children and a wife, suffers with severe depression has wider consequences, not only on him but also on whole family. His direct income from the job will be lost, as a result of which the employer is unable to use his talents and the family will be pushed into poverty. This will affect the tax income of the government when a healthy working age individual is suddenly not able to work. Government will face double pressure as they should bear more costs on social benefit if there is any scheme. The social benefits should be extended to family members as well. When children are involved, their education, foods and other parts of life are directly affected. Looking at non-monetary costs, family members will face difficulties, for example the sadness it creates, the time they spend to support the person suffering with depression, and the cost of his absence for example in family vacation, shopping trips to games and household activities.

Various reports have shown that children from a family where at least a member is suffering with any disease will directly impact their mental health. Cases with a family member suffering with mental Health itself is more harmful for the children as it makes them in-official care taker in the time they could have invested doing creative things. Hence, both short and long term productivity of the one suffering and the family member will be reduced. The same thing can be extended to employees or co-workers directly depending on the person that losing a qualified worker will cost money to the companies to hire and train a new person as well as lost productivity. This is the reason why big companies are investing heavily on workers well-being. Companies like Google and Apple have wellness centers to other facilities that ensure the well-being of workers. There are costs but the costs are lower than the costs if any worker is sick and cannot participate in professional life. In addition to it, another research showed that stress for example either directly cause many disease or worsens over 80% of the diseases. So, even when somebody has totally different health issue, mental well-being can still be important.

The other aspect of mental health problem is more visible and serious one: Violence. Violence is meant by both domestic as well as public. People suffering with Stress are likely to be more violent towards family members according to another research. On the other hand, various issues like School Shooting to Terrorism has its root on mental health problem. The criminals mostly have lonely lives filled with loneliness and depression and they have feelings to cause damage. Violence cause direct losses of properties, infra-structures and cause other legal costs on the state and authorities, indirectly tax payers. The consequences is additional safety measures that is again connected with more money. Costs for security is a deadweight loss. In worst cases, it can also cost the life of other innocents who has nothing to do with this and as the consequences of the first paragraph, it will cause other chain affects.

Hence, mental health deserves attention. Worldwide policy making should follow and especially developing countries should get support. More Psychologists should be trained to support the patients. Society should get more tools to deal with people suffering with it, in school, at home, in public institutions etc. As we live in a globalized world, even a single person suffering will have consequences far strengthening than any time in the past. So, it is the time to put Mental Health on the top list of health agenda.   

Saturday, 15 July 2017

G20 and the death of Global Issues

By: Bikal Dhungel  

Every year, the head of leading industrial nations meet in a place to discuss various issues. This year in Hamburg, Germany, as the head of state of G20 met, the vandals vandalized the city in such an extent that was not seen since World War II. A whole street full of Cars were burnt, shops vandalized and infrastructure destroyed. Who really did this was the matter of heavy debate. The main-stream media blamed left-wing extremists whereas the left is blaming the center-right parties of organizing this vandalism in order to win votes in the coming election. Whoever vandalized the streets, this is not new. Every year when G7 or G8 met, a large protest of NGOs, Environmental Groups and anti-Globalisation protestors followed. Their demand is genuine, which is to question just policies for all the citizens of the world. They criticise G8 leaders for ignoring the interest of the poorest among the poor and environment and representing the issues of the rich. Although the economic development reached to the epic like never before but this happened in the cost of planet earth which will further pressure the poor and drive them out of their villages due to natural catastrophes.

The G20 this year, 2017 consisted of world's largest economics which included just one from Africa and one from South Asia, which are two poorest places on Earth. The representative from Africa, which is South Africa and the representative from South Asia, which is India are not poor, they have achieved high development in the recent year. They are not really the voice of the poor. The G8 or G7 or less , which does not really have a manifesto started after 1973 started with the Oil Crisis. Years proceeding this, powerful nations met to discuss issues that are of their interest. From 2008, the G8 countries, USA, Russia, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Japan and Canada are meeting in a regular basis, at least once a year.

After the year 2008, G8 has dealt some issues like Climate Change, Energy, Terrorism, Poverty, Food Security , Financial Crisis etc. There are other issues that are not open or at least not disclosed. However, even though world leaders have promised a lot to deliver but has not even delivered even one fourth of it, the agreements have been a water on sand. However, as leaders are changed, their political poles change, the agreements done in the past are difficult to implement. For example, President Barack Obama initiated agreement that promised food security and development aid for climate change, the promised fund for the coming years were stopped when Donald Trump became president.

The left wing protestors are blamed to be stupid because they are against Globalisation. Globalisation has created more winners than losers, this is the fact because numbers and statistics can prove that. Of course there will be losers but if the gains from the winners compensate the losers and if everybody are better off after that, we can consider it has a gain. But this does not mean that we have to do everything to reduce the losers and the burden to the poor. If distributive justice is not functioning well, the losers cannot be compensated and hence, there will be opposition. Unfortunately, this is the truth in current situation. Taking the example of Niger Delta, the government sell Oil, companies pay the tax and government is supposed to use this gain for social causes but if due to corruption, the government is not investing for social issues at all, the people living in Delta area will bear the cost through environmental hazards but do not get the gain in the form of education and other supports. Hence, the protestors are right to protest as distributive justice worldwide has terrible credibility. However, these are few issues that are minor. The G8 , in its core idea is actually there to talk about the issues that really matter. For example international terrorism, economic crisis, financial crisis etc. They are even successful in it. But still, in the cost of the poor. Poor, not only from poor countries but also from their own countries. When we take inequality as an example, which is a deep-rooted societal problem, about 1% of the people in G8 countries possess 60% of their wealth and about 10% richest own over 90% of the wealth, which clearly shows that a vast number of people are poor. A recent study in Germany showed that 40% of the people have factually no wealth. At the same time, governments are deeply concerned about the lack of fund for public kindergartens, universities, infra-structures etc but at the same time, they are promising tax breaks for the rich. They know that the fund is lacking everywhere but at the same time, not doing anything or even fostering the Tax Heavens. All the leaders of G8 countries know about Cayman Islands, about Switzerland, about Singapore and their fond of being tax heavens but still, nothing has been done, why ? because politicians support them, or their base. If countries really want to , they can solve the problem very easily. The US government proved that with Switzerland, i.e. to make them disclose the information of US tax avoiders or face dire economic consequences. The swiss calculated costs and benefits and finally agreed to disclose the information. This shows that this problem can be solved very easily. If G8 does not even talk about it, they are supporting it. Silence is supporting the oppressor, being neutral is supporting the oppressor. One reason why there are protests.

Second reason, the real problem of our world is poverty, or at least it is the root of all problems. As long as there is poverty, people are vulnerable to join terrorist forces, as long as there is discrimination, people are prone to be violent, as long as there is discrimination, there can be no real peace. Still, basically nothing is being done to solve these issues. Then comes health. We live in a global world. Not only our movement is global , rather the connection, the business and unfortunately diseases. Viruses see no border and the risk of Ebola can be felt equally in Montreal like in Mogadishu. Although lot has been done for health in the last decades, the aid in this sector declined, but it should have been increased. Donors have justified it through the lack of fund, which is not true. the fund for defence has increased. And they aim to fight disease outbreaks and civil wars through military. This is a wrong way. As long as there is poverty, as long as people are poor, there will be war. As long as rich countries do not invest in providing jobs at home in Africa, there will always be the movement to people towards Europe. Only when Angela Merkel did some deals with african countries to do something in their country, in their place, the number of Refugees declined. She decided to fight the root, not the problem itself through a top-down process.

To make the list long, there are other issues that deserve immediate attention, like Women's issue, domestic violence, nuclear weapon, development, inequality, freedom, oppression, disease, education and so on and on which have wide international implication, politicians are being too narrow sighted, they are just thinking about the next few hours. However, when my child becomes an adult tomorrow, she will ask, ' why the heck you didnt raise voices to solve these easily solvable problemes ? , ' why the heck you did nothing for our climate and even deteriorated it ?', 'why the heck you put the world in such a mess that it is almost impossible to fix it ' ? These are the questions we need to answer our future generations. If we put Paris agreement under the carpet and tomorrow see one billion climate refugees, our children will know us that we closed the eyes and steal their future, steal their prosperity, took out happiness from them, took out their right on this beautiful planet and stand there shameless with no answers why we did it. The G8 protestors might have different aims in participating this but there are huge number of people in our society who are asking genuine questions , that is, 'economic growth makes no sense if the planet is destroyed fully to be a dead zone'

The leaders should be visionary. They leaders should think about the future as well along with the present. A leader should also disappoint public opinion when it is necessary for the sake of this planet and more about the social issues which will directly impact our economic well being. If the leaders lack these visions and follow the narrow nationalistic policies to serve the few 1% on top of the society, the protest will grow, the protest will be justified and the mass will , some day, take over the power, possibly in an ugly way. Hence, to keep peace and harmony among the people, G8 needs to be reformed. It is good that it now invites G20 but when the issue is about poverty, people related to poverty deserve participation in the meeting and similar for other issues.